Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Losing Graciously

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    Losing, it is a reality in life. We will not win everything we pursue and learning to lose graciously is so valuable. It is not only learning to be a gracious loser for the sake of others and good sportsmanship but also to be gracious towards yourself.

    I often beat myself up deeply for losing. I could have done better, I wish I had different gifts, I want what I lost. I show unsportsmanlike conduct towards myself. I wouldn't treat others the way I just treated myself.

    How about you? What happens when you lose? How do you treat yourself? Do you offer yourself grace, recognize ways you can learn and grow? Do you meet with Jesus if their was any sin in you and allow Jesus to meet you and restore you?

    How can you lose more graciously ... towards yourself?

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It's been quiet ...

    It's been quiet here at Two Minutes for Mommy. Trust me, I have been taking many minutes with God as I started a part time job in August and still have my full time mommy and family load. I love all that I get to do and yet there hasn't seemed enough for me to also give to Two Minutes for Mommy.

    I would love your prayers as I discern next steps for the blog. Thanks for your patience and kindness! Hope you are having your two minutes (and then some!).

Much love,