The Story

The Beginning:
    After multiple conversations with mothers of young children, I came to realize that moms are struggling to cultivate their spiritual lives. With the tugs and pulls of little ones, unpredictable schedules, physical, emotional and mental exhaustion the thought of pursuing a relationship with God is overwhelming. Cultivating a relationship with God was one of the first things to go and it had yet to come back.
    I would also hear the discouragement in the voices of moms as they felt disconnected from God in the everyday. They missed hearing from God, they missed being with God.
    As I heard my friends share these things and thought about what God had been doing in my life, He gave me the vision for this blog. A place where moms can take two minutes to sit and be with God. A place where truth can be heard and received. A place where moms can quiet their souls with God and be reminded of His love for them.
    This blog is also a step of fulfilling a call. I have sensed God calling me to write for a while now and was not sure what that looked like. This blog is the fruit of obedience to this call. My prayer is that this step of obedience would be a gift to whoever reads it.

My Hope:
    My hope is truly that the two minutes of meditation and time with God will multiply throughout the minutes of the day in the lives of moms. My hope is that in the times I spend with God that He would continue to provide me ways in which His truth can be connected with the everyday lives of moms. My prayer is that you would meet with God and allow Him to speak to you.

With prayers of hope and expectancy,

General Description:
     Sometimes all you want is two minutes. Two minutes to sit ... in silence ... alone. Most moms I know do not have two minutes to sit alone in silence and if they do they are asleep. Many moms I talk to also say that the first thing to go is actively cultivating their spiritual lives. Women who are intelligent, hold post-graduate degrees in religion tell me that cultivating their spiritual lives has gone out the window. Women who are full time moms and work outside the home full time struggle too. Full time stay at home moms are struggling as well.
     In the midst of the unknown, unexpected, constant demand of life a lot of times all we want to do is sleep, sit and escape. We are engaging people, things, decisions all day long and to think of engaging something else is overwhelming. To think of pursuing God and cultivating our spiritual lives is daunting.
    "Two Minutes for Mommy" is an opportunity for moms to sit, be and receive. My hope is that in two minutes (or more if you'd like) you can receive some rest and spiritual encouragement that will lead you through the day. My hope is that these two minutes will miraculously multiply into the hundreds of minutes in your day, nourishing and sustaining you.

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