Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Vision Changes Everything

**Please take one minute to sit, breathe deeply and seek quiet.**
For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2b
    Vision changes everything. Vision makes you do things you never thought you could. Having a picture of what is to come changes how you live presently. The author of Hebrews says that Jesus endured the cross and scorned its shame because of the joy set before him. Jesus had a vision and this vision helped him to see farther. For Jesus, this joy was reconciled relationship with us, with mankind. The joy that was worth the cross was us.

    This is what joy does – it sees farther. Joy sees what is to come. 

     Can you imagine having a vision of great joy? Whatever that vision is, we often do not know what sacrifices it will take. We have the example of Jesus, the One who is to come who continued to see the vision that was greater than the sacrifice. He saw the vision of joy of reconciled relationship with man, and the amazing aftereffects of that (they are infinite!).  Joy sees beyond our present circumstances. Joy has vision and it sees farther.

**Please take as much time as is possible to sit and reflect.**

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