Thursday, February 13, 2014

Own Your Box

Practice Silence: Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.

"Own your box." A dear friend spoke these words to me in the midst of a class. I was talking about my fears, how I felt others were competing with me and rather than letting God's call lead, I was allowing fear and insecurity to lead. She was telling me to own my call, to fully live into it.

We all have calls from God. A call can be a role like mother, sister or wife. A call can be a career like teacher, attorney, EMT or housekeeper. A call can be a vocation of ministry in the church, volunteering in the community or serving internationally. Our calls vary and are given by God. We have the choice whether to let fear and insecurities lead them or faith and trust. If God has given them, he knows what he is doing and it is good.

Last weekend I repeated my friend's words as I stood before a large group of people to speak. I did just that and guess what? I was having a blast and honoring God. God had called me to speak a word to these people. Owning our call is not about self-confidence, but confidence in the One who gave the call.

What are your calls? Are you owning them? Are you enjoying them? How is God honored and glorified by living fully into your calls?

Practice Silence Again: Sit quietly for as long as is available to you.

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