Tuesday, October 8, 2013


**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    Today is my little sister's birthday. She brings a sweetness to life and a reminder for the need of tenderness, compassion, patience and love. She brings the challenge of slowing down and thinking more of others than of myself.

    She also brings the challenges of sisterhood - stubbornness, each of us wanting to get our own way and me thinking she is far more spoiled than I am. I think this is just normal older sister/young sister stuff. :)

    It is difficult being around her sometimes because I am reminded of what I am not. I cannot put on a mask, I sin greatly and my actions do not match my words. She reminds me there is a lot of work that God has yet to do it me and sometimes I do not like to face that fact. I am far from perfect and I like thinking I am perfect.

    She challenges me to live like I say everyone else should. She challenges me to take my words to my hands and actually LIVE IT. She does all this without words. She does it all through being herself.

    She lives her life well, beautifully and also imperfectly and I am amazed at how God uses imperfection to move us towards Jesus, who is perfect.

    Today I am grateful for Annie, and I celebrate her life.

**Sit again in silence for as long as is possible.**


  1. When I am faced with a quiet dawn, growing into morning daylight, I automatically return to your words. Today, I'm staring at a new dawn and finding that your words and quiet reflection are yet again needed, welcomed and full of wisdom. I'm sharing this one with my sister. Forever grateful for your gift of writing. Thankful it is still here when I need it most.

    1. marcyaj how very kind of you. thank you for your words of encouragement!
