Monday, May 6, 2013

Celebrity Status

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    Enamored by one celebrity or another we sometimes wish we had their status – celebrity status. We want to be known and seen for our accomplishments, our feats. We want to be praised, we want glory.

    Some of us surmount incredibly feats our lives and others of us surmount a million little feats over our lives. We wonder if we might get a little (or a lot of) recognition.

    Yet we are not called to celebrity status, we are called to serve. We are called to do the things God is calling us to, to whoever, wherever and for however long. Some people do this and get celebrity status with us, very few.

    Most of us live life ordinarily, serving God in the everyday things that do not have an audience. We receive very little applause or appreciation and a little appreciation can go a long way. The ordinary, everyday things can be quite humbling as they require great dependence on God. God gets to be the celebrity then.

    Encourage someone today as you watch them lean into God. Encourage them to continue to persever and depend on Him. Encourage God’s celebrity status and love on others well.

    In the midst of a lack of audience, know that you have the only audience that truly matters – God. He walks alongside you joyfully and looks upon you with great love. He is with you, celebrity or not. He is and sees how your heart longs to serve Him.

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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