Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Love

**Please take one minute to sit, breathe deeply and seek quiet.**

Christmas love came innocent, vulnerable and as a servant. Christmas love came in humility, in downward mobility to meet us where we are. Christmas love came through a virgin-born, perfect baby so that we might live. Christmas love came as a subject and slave to anything and everything a human being might suffer.
    The vulnerability of a great God amazes me. He subjected Himself to a mother’s womb and human development, to a mother, father and human family to care for him, to dependence on others for food, clothing and a place to sleep. He put Himself in dependence on broken human beings. Not only did his love come in dependence, He knew he would be dependent on parents that made mistakes and were broken. The great God of the UNIVERSE put Himself in a place of utter dependence so that man could know him and live.
    Christmas love is Jesus. He is a God who placed himself in great dependence on men and women so that through Him men and women might live. A risky move if you ask me. A move He had to make for our lives.
    God’s love went to the greatest of lengths but it was not a risky move. He knew what He was doing and He knew it was worth it. He knew what would come from it and He came. This move of love brought light, hope and life to the world.  Praise be to God.

**Please take as much time as is possible to sit and reflect.**

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