Friday, December 21, 2012

The Call and Gift of Joy

**Please take one minute to sit, breathe deeply and seek quiet.**

    Joy is both a choice and a gift. Most things seem to be. When I say it is a choice I do not mean that it is an easy choice. In reality choosing joy can be a very challenging, seemingly impossible. To choose joy requires a perspective and strength that is beyond us. To choose joy means that we choose it in the good times and the bad, in the ease and in the challenges. Choosing joy is not circumstantial but it sure is easier to choose it when life is easy!
    Joy is also a gift. An overwhelming, supernatural, mysterious gift that takes no effort on our part, we merely receive it. Oh how I desire that we would all have the gift of joy!
    My prayer is that you would have joy today and this Advent season. Joy that overwhelms, joy that sees farther, joy that is lived out more deeply and richly in the midst of wherever you are in life.

**Please take as much time as is possible to sit and reflect.**

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