Friday, December 28, 2012

The Call to Love

**Please take one minute to sit, breathe deeply and seek quiet.**

    Humble, Dependent, Risky, Persevering. Love requires all this and then some. How in the world can we live the call to love as God loved us? It is easy for me to love when I am in a good mood or when the person receives my love without complaint and demand. It is easy for me to love when I receive recognition or get something in return. I would argue that this is not really love, at least love for God or another. This is me loving me.
    To be realistic (I know, you’ve come to expect that of me J
), all of our love is mixed with a bit of self-love. I have not decided if this is a necessarily an all-bad thing, I just know it’s a real thing. Even if our love is mixed, we try to love, we attempt at humility and dependence. We take risks and we stay. We love like Jesus by humbling ourselves before him, depending on him, not calculating and persevering knowing that love wins and is greater than anything else.
    The call to love is challenging, it is mixed and it is not perfect but it is our call. Let us live a life of love that is more and more reflective of Jesus and we grow in believing His great love for us.

**Please take as much time as is possible to sit and reflect.**

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