Thursday, December 27, 2012

Love is Risky

**Please take one minute to sit, breathe deeply and seek quiet.**

    We tend to be people that calculate. What is worth what, how much should we pay for this or that, how much time should we spend with a person, money spent, energies, etc. Calculating is okay but often our calculating trickles down to other areas in which it shouldn’t, including love.
    To love means we open ourselves up to the possibility of loss, to pain, to hurt and suffering. To love means we take a risk, because love does not function in addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. Love does not fit into numbers or measurements. It is wide, it is deep, it is long, it is high. The dimensions of love cannot be calculated.
    Yet it feels safe to calculate, to control. Yes, love is risky so we calculate it. We calculate how much we can give without getting hurt or least hurt. We hold back in fear of losing something or someone. We do not always calculate love but sometimes we do. This human response to self-protect is understandable. I want to prevent pain.
    Love is risky, yes. It means letting go of my deep, legitimate desire to prevent pain. It means considering that love is greater, deeper and richer than pain. Love is worth it and love does win.

**Please take as much time as is possible to sit and reflect.**

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