Friday, May 31, 2013

Doing Something Great

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute.**

“You were meant to do something great.”     These well-meaning words encourage and propel people to do things that are labeled significant. As I consider these words I wonder what “greatness” is.

    As I parent and discipline my child for the 10th time in a morning, is this great? As I clean up vomit, is this great? As I preach a sermon, is this great? As I travel across the world to serve orphans in Africa, is this great? I wonder if what I am doing, ordinary or extra-ordinary is great.

    I wonder if maybe it is not about being great but about being faithful.

    Maybe we were meant to do everyday, ordinary things for the rest of our lives. Maybe “great” should not be our goal but “faithful” should be. Maybe the ordinary things we do will be turned into something great or maybe they will be just what they are, ordinary and what we are called to.

    How can you encourage someone today who is faithful?

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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