Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Oxygen Masks

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    Friends, take care of yourselves. We spend much time attending to, meeting the needs of and caring for others that we often sacrifice and neglect ourselves. There is a reason why a flight attendant tells you to put on your oxygen mask before assisting others. Put on your oxygen mask and take care of your heart, your body and your soul.

    Sounds selfish, but it is not. It is healthy. It is healthy to recognize you have limited capacity, need nourishment and you need help. It is healthy to realize you are dependent not only God but others. Yes, we are dependent on others. God calls us to care for one another and that means we all need to be cared for as well!

    Take time to care for your soul, your body and your mind. Ask for help. Offer help. Put on your oxygen mask.

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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