Thursday, September 12, 2013


**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    Driving home from work a few days ago my son is singing/yelling a son to his favorite cartoon. He is going all out. His voice cracks, his voice doesn’t stay in the same key and his words do not reflect the real words of the song. He doesn’t care and he is having so much fun! And me … I am delighting in it.

    Oh how I wish I had this confidence. The confidence that those around me would let me be me. The confidence that I will be accepted no matter what. We all long for acceptance and specifically for unconditional love.

    I delighted in listening to my son and it was a picture for me of the delight God has in seeing and hearing me. He created me and delights when I am me. I don’t have to work for his delight, he created and delights in me.

    May you sense God’s delight today!

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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