Friday, September 21, 2012

Mistakes and Grace

**Before you begin reading, sit down, breathe normally and be quiet for 1 minute.**

Mistakes. How do you respond to yourself when you make a mistake? What self-talk happens? Are you beating yourself up? Or are you accepting yourself as human and imperfect? A wise woman once said to me, “You will give others grace when you learn to give yourself grace”. Essentially, I am hard on others because I begin with being hard on myself. Sure there are things we need to rise to, changes we need to make, transformation we need to submit to. Then there is the opposite where we beat ourselves up. We are human – a fact we do not like to admit.
Where do you need to give yourself grace? God has given you grace, will you give it to yourself? Will you give it to others?

**Sit quietly again for as much time as is available to you.**


  1. This made me smile...I just finished writing about a chrysalis and butterfly. Changes and transformation...I'm impatient for them to come! I do need to remember I'm a human, not a butterfly. The change isn't as quick (but the life cycle isn't as long either...ha). Thank you for raising these good questions.

    1. Yes, I share in your impatience as well. Funny as I was reading this post after it went up I thought of how I could have written it better. Ironic to see mistakes in a post about mistakes and grace!

  2. I struggle with this when making answer keys to math problems I invented that my students catch my mistakes. I rarely make a 100 on my own stuff. I don't have enough energy to be upset about. I just have to fix it and move on. My whole life is about 85-90% right, though I strive for 100%.

    1. Public mistakes are the worst! It's one thing if I make a mistake and only I see it or maybe those close to me but public mistakes - those are tough! Hope you continue to give yourself some grace!
