Wednesday, September 26, 2012

He Never Lets Go

**Before you begin reading, sit down, breathe normally and be quiet for 1 minute.**

God never lets go. Through the calm in life, when challenges are minimal and life is relatively peaceful, God is holding onto you. Through the chaos of life, when challenges are unending and life seems to show no sign of peace, God is holding onto you. God never lets go – through calm or chaos, peace or unrest.

What season are you in? Are you in a time of calm and rest? If so, remember God is holding onto you and you can enjoy His presence. Imagine walking hand in hand with your child, enjoying the day together. Are you in a time of chaos and unrest? If so, remember that God is also holding onto you and you may or may not sense His presence, but He is with you. Imagine walking your child across a busy street, hand in hand, guiding and helping him/her navigate through chaos of cars and stressors. The same hand that walks you through joys walks you through pain. The same hand that walks you through calm walks you through chaos. He never lets go.

**Sit quietly again for as much time as is available to you.** 


  1. Love this! I can almost hear the chorus! " Oh No He never lets go through the calm and through the storm" Thank you for the beautiful illustration of our own child. I have experienced His presence in both circumstances.
