Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Healing and Forgiveness

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**
    I never realized that feeling hurt would lead me to confession which would in turn lead me to receiving forgiveness from God.

    A few months ago I saw someone I knew and instantly felt hurt. I did not know what because I could not think of exactly what he had done so I decided to talk to Jesus about it.

    The following day while on a run, I talked to Jesus. In my prayer I asked God to help me figure out why I was hurting – had this person done something or was I playing a victim?

    In prayer God revealed my heart – I was blaming this person for an expectation I had of God. I was using him as a scapegoat when in reality I was upset with God. I was upset with God because something didn’t go my way, and God did not do anything to help it go my way. It was all about me – my way!

    This led to confession, which led to receiving God’s forgiveness, which led to healing. The hurt was no longer there towards this man or towards God.

    Recently, this was part of a prayer of confession at my church. It connected the dots and maybe it will connect some dots for you and God will heal your pain as He forgives your sin.

    “Hear the cries of our hearts, O God, and heal our pain as you forgive our sin; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

**Sit quietly again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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