Wednesday, February 20, 2013


**Sit quietly, eyes closed in silence for one minute before reading.**

    Forgotten. Many of us feel forgotten. In the day to day, ups and downs, working, cooking, cleaning, thoughtful acts, continual reaching out and serving. We give, give and give and feel forgotten. We serve and offer our best gifts and no comment, no response, no gratitude.

    Some of us feel forgotten by God. Has He forgotten that I am waiting for an answer to my prayers? Has He forgotten that our money is about to run out? Has He forgotten about how much I have suffered? Has He forgotten about (fill in the blank)?

    God has not forgotten, He does not forget. He sees, He knows and He loves. Our feelings of being forgotten are real – it truly feels that way sometimes. These feelings are not an indication of the truth – that God has not forgotten. He sees, He knows and He loves. He has not abandoned you.

    My prayer for us: During the times that we feel forgotten, we wonder if God remembers us, that He would give us the faith to trust, the faith to hold onto the truth that He has not forgotten us nor abandoned us.

Have more than two minutes?: These thoughts came to mind after reading about Joseph being forgotten by the chief cupbearer in Genesis 40:23. How would you have felt? What would you have been thinking?
**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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