Monday, February 4, 2013

Head and Hands

**Sit quietly in silence, eyes closed for one minute before reading.**

    2012 was brutal. I’ll spare you the details but it was a year of pain, tears, wrestling and sadness. It was a year of many questions, wondering where I belonged and struggling to trust and hope. It was a year in which God was repeating:

“Just because you have it in your head does not mean it happens through your hands.”
“Just because you have it in your head does not mean it happens through your hands.”

    My children were daily reminders that I did not always do with my hands what I said I knew in my head. Years of working in a church and going to seminary filled my head with information yet my daily response to struggles reminded me that there was disconnect between what I knew and what I did. My knowledge and my actions did not match up in so many ways.
    So the path that God has you on may be this path. He may be demanding that your actions match what is in your head. It is not an easy path and one in which you do not walk alone.
    My prayer for us is this: “God, give us patience and grace with ourselves as we seek to travel the path from our head to our hands. Thank you that you are growing us to be whole and not fragmented, assuring that our head, our heart and our hands align. Amen.”

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**


  1. I will be praying this prayer often. It is a daily struggle. I am thankful for all the times that the connect between head and hands occur but our hearts dwell deeply on the times I don't-my heart and my kids' hearts do.

    1. Grace, may we give ourselves grace and may our children see our authentic desire to be transformed as a model. Thanks for sharing, Amy.

  2. Just wanted you to know that I wrote out this prayer on a sticky note and stuck it in a frequently seen spot. I pray it daily...multiple times, some days...and it always centers and prepares me for my next challenge. Thank you for this simple but powerful prayer upon which to call God.

    1. Hi Amy,
      I love to hear of your faithful pursuit of God. This is so encouraging to me, to others and to your family. Keep on and thank you for living out the faith!
