Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Strength In Surrender

**Sit quietly, eyes closed in silence for one minute before reading.**

    I am a fighter. I was taught to be a fighter and high value was placed on it. Surrender was never an option unless you were beat. You never gave up a fight. As I live life a little more each day I have realized there is great strength in choosing to surrender rather than being beat into it. There is also less pain in choosing to surrender!
    I am learning to pick my battles (I think). Not every battle is worth fighting, especially when we are going toe to toe with God.
    Surrender requires humility, it requires a reality check and it takes strength. Surrender is often not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength. If you are a fighter, you know it takes strength to surrender. It also takes a great swallow of pride.
    Often this strength does not come from me but from God. My nature is to battle, not surrender and so I ask God, “give me wisdom to discern what is worth the battle, give me humility and strength to surrender”. Ultimately I desire to surrender to God’s will – whatever that entails.
    Surrender requires many things and in and of ourselves we are incapable to fully surrender.
    My prayer today is this: “God grant us to see things as they are, the humility to trust You and the strength to surrender to Your call. Amen.”
**Sit again for as long as is available to you.**

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