Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Harmful Help

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    “Let me help you with that.” I find myself saying this to others when they never asked or needed the help. Sometimes my desire to help actually gets in the way, makes things harder or messier. My help has become harmful.

    I do the same thing with God. “Let me help you with that”, I find myself saying. He never asked.

    So I take on too much. I take on burdens God never expected me to and find myself overloaded. I get overwhelmed by the emotional care needed or the physical requirements to carry burdens. I am bearing burdens I was never meant to bear.

    Carrying more than God asks I find myself weary, bitter and buried. Taking on more than God asks means that I do not trust that the “extra” burdens I have taken on will be taken care of. I say to God, “Let me help you with that.”

    Again, He never asked.

    As I take on too much, I offer help that actually harms. I harm myself, my family, others and the body of Christ.

    Has your help ever been harmful? Have you taken on more than God has asked? Will you pray and ask God to help you discern what burdens He is asking you to take and which ones He is not?

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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