Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Remembering and Re-Engaging Your Calling

A treat from a guest blogger today!

   As I type this, my little sister is having her second baby and I am traveling to see her. I am so excited for her! A mother having a baby always makes me remember. It makes me remember how badly I was ready to give birth when the time came. I remember the awe of seeing that little one that was mine and yet all together completely their own person--seeing that face, giving that name, counting those fingers, unswaddling them just to touch their sweet skin. I remember being filled with wonder that children are a reward from the Lord, they are His best gift. Why was He so generous with me? (Ps. 127:3) I remember all my hopes and dreams as a mom. I remember in a fresh way God’s calling on my life to be a mommy to these babies.

    Then there's real life. You know, look around you. Diapers, teething, tantrums, shouts of "mine!”, the budding artist’s crayon creations on your drywall, being their personal napkin-Kleenex-trashcan, and heaven forbid the independent will that comes with one unmistakable word, "no." There's also the peanut butter and jelly kisses, gifts of peach pits from the playground because he knows you like walnuts, her clip-clopping around in my heels, their mouths that still look like baby mouths when they sleep, little kid laughter at silly little kid things. Somehow in the midst of real life I think our God-given calling gets a little hazy. Our God-authored hopes and dreams that made up the horizon of a glorious sunrise of new life, are not often in sight when we have our faces down, working in the dirt of raising a family. It happens to all of us. It’s just real.

    Will you take two minutes with me as a mommy and remember your calling? How did God open your heart to motherhood? What was the big dream or the important work that was tied to motherhood? What did you hope and dream for your baby and for yourself? Lift your face and look at the bigger picture of your life right now. How is God using you right here, right now?

    When we remember His calling on us, suddenly our real life as a mommy takes on a refreshed, real meaning. All the small stuff of regular life becomes important again because it all unfolds into the big dream! Recalling our calling refocuses our eyes on God. It gets our faces out of the dirt and back onto the horizon of Hope. Remembering and then re-engaging your calling allows you to experience His best gift lived out, with more reward to come when you keep pressing ahead in His calling.

    Inhale the life-giving words of Ps. 62:5. "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him."

- Ginny Fowler

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