Friday, June 21, 2013

Paying Attention

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**
“The Lord spoke to Manasseh and to his people, but they paid no attention.” 2 Chronicles 33:10
    One of my greatest fears is not paying attention when God speaks. Yet I do it all the time. This Scripture verse hit me a few days ago as I read it. It saddened me greatly and it convicted me all the same.

    God often speaks and I miss it. I miss it because I am trying to fix something with my own strength. Sometimes I am working hard for God but in reality I just want to look good. When overwhelmed by life I depend on what I can see rather than trust God for what I cannot see. When I miss God it is often because I am paying more attention to myself than to Him.

    Paying attention is a choice and it requires work. It requires more than I am willing to give and somewhere along the way I learned I could still “succeed” in life with partial attention. I can make it “okay” without too much attention on God.

    Yet God calls for our attention. And even when I miss it He calls out to us again. In His grace, He repeats Himself. I am so grateful for the repetition!

    He repeats Himself and I finally hear it, I have paid attention.

    How about you? Is God trying to tell you something? Have you been paying attention? What can you do today to attune yourself to God’s voice?
**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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