Monday, July 1, 2013

Being a Learner

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    Being a learner means we take the posture to receive, to grow and to acknowledge that we do not know all. It means we make mistakes and fail … and sometimes that means a public failure. Being a learner means admitting we need each other.

    Being a learner means I am willing to be corrected, edited and challenged. Being a learner means I need others to sharpen my mind, heart, body and faith. Being a learner means I admit that I do not have it all together - Jesus does.

    Jesus has it all together and He is the best Teacher, He leads and guides us in truth and grace. We also have another, the Holy Spirit, Who leads and guides us in truth and wisdom. We also have the community of believers, those who have gone before us and are with us now and in some mysterious way the ones to come. They sharpen and encourage us.

    What do you struggle with most being a learner? How can you take the posture of a learner today?
**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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