Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sharing Our Fears

**Sit quietly, eyes closed in and silence for one minute before reading.**
    How often do you share your fears with another? How often do you share your fears with God?

    In a culture that values “no fear” we are taught to ignore, avoid the reality that we do fear. To admit to fears communicates weakness.

    So, we are weak. You are weak, I am weak.

    So what do we do? We do not share our fears. We do not share our doubts because to do so would mean admitting we are weak.

    My prayer for us:

    “Lord, break us of our pride. Break us of our enticement to following the values of our culture. Bring us humility and grace. Help us to be people that share fears and graciously receive others’ fears. May we be compassionate people who love you, share our fears and minister to one another. Amen.”

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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