Thursday, July 4, 2013

Courage, Fear and Faith

**Sit quietly, eyes closed in and silence for one minute before reading.**
    Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is walking forward despite fear … with faith.

    When God calls us into the unknown (it happens often, my friends!) we often a mixture of emotions. We walk courageously forward in faith. Often our faith is general, holding onto the simple yet deepest truths of God. He loves us, He is good and He is sovereign. We sometimes do not get any others details! (I know, it kills the type – A’s).

    How is God calling you to step forward in faith? What fears do you have? Talk to God, tell Him your fears and ask for the faith that helps you walk forward in courage!

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**


  1. A year later, I find myself reflecting on your posts for this week in 2014. You strike a chord with your words of wisdom and invitation to reflection. I'm grateful this is still here to read. Thank you!

    1. Thank you! I have debated leaving the website up as I have not been able to write in the past months. I'll keep it up. :)
