Friday, October 19, 2012


**Before you begin reading, sit down, breathe normally and be quiet for 1 minute.**
    When is the last time you went an adventure? When is the last time you embarked on a journey and did not know where it would lead? Was it easy for you or did you struggle to know how it would turn out, where you'd be going, the ETA at each mile marker?
    I am a planner. I like knowing where I am going, beating the time I think it will take me to get there and plotting out the course. I find fulfillment in accomplishment! There is nothing necessarily wrong with this but often I miss opportunities for adventure.  I miss opportunties to embark on the wonder, surprise and joy of an adventure.
    Adventures require freedom and often the most difficult freedom is freedom we give ourselves to even go. Do you give yourself freedom for adventure? Do you give God freedom to lead you on a journey full of wonder, joy and surprises or do you have the mile markers mapped out for Him?

PS God doesn't really follow our mile markers. ;)

**Sit quietly again for as much time as is available to you.**

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