Friday, October 26, 2012

Storing Up Love

**Before you begin reading, sit down, breathe normally and be quiet for 1 minute.**

    The greatest good to store up is love. The greatest example of love is God. He is love and demonstrates His great love to us through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. Storing up love begins with soaking in the richness of God’s love for us and towards us. It continues as we see how He loves others. We then can choose to love Him and love others. Storing up love requires we believe God’s love for us. Again, the discipline of reading, remembering and responding applies to storing up love. To store up love we read the greatest love story written (the Bible), we remember His love towards us and others and we respond through loving Him and others.
    There are many enemies of love and one great enemy is entitlement. When we behave out of a sense of entitlement rather than love we automatically place another below us and consider ourselves better and better deserving than him or her. Entitlement assumes superiority to another and is the anti-thesis to the example of love that God gives us.
    I struggle with a sense of entitlement to the point I make demands that are quite selfish. I assume that my preferences are more important than another’s and I deserve certain things. Everything in life is a gift but unfortunately I live as though these gifts are expectations.
    How can you choose to store up love? Will you store up love through reading about God’s love and remembering His loving actions towards you and others? How will you check your sense of entitlement against God’s self-sacrificial love? Ask God to transform and do a work in you today and in the days to come. You are not perfect and God does not expect you to be. Ask Him to work in and through you.

**Sit quietly again for as much time as is available to you.**

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