Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Defending Your Worth

**Before you begin reading, sit down, breathe normally and be quiet for 1 minute.**

    Defending your worth. I often find myself making statements that defend my worth. Someone makes a comment and I respond with a statement that is a defense for why I am worth listening to. Someone misunderstands me and it drives me crazy when I cannot make it right. We defend why we made a decision or defend why we received something or have been given an opportunity or a compliment.
    At the core of feeling like we have to defend our worth is the fact that we are judging ourselves on a faulty scale. We are judging ourselves based on what people say rather than what God says. What people say is that we are worthy according to our function, what we can do and how close to "perfect" we can get. What God says is we are worthy because of who we are - His child. We are His children because of His gracious love and what we can do is based on grace.
The truth is, all of life is grace. We can work hard for things, but our worth is not dependent on our work, our worth is based on grace. Life is grace, what we have been given is grace, gifts to us. We are loved by God - this is true worth.
**Sit quietly again for as much time as is available to you.**

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