Friday, October 12, 2012

Do Something, Anything!

**Before you begin reading, sit down, breathe normally and be quiet for 1 minute.**

   Sometimes I wish God would take action. Say anything. Do anything. His silence and lack of action makes me feel like He doesn't care. His lack of movement means apathy. Is He asleep on the job?
    To me caring is equated to movement. If you care you do something. This is not necessarily a true or healthy equation. Often lack of movement or even waiting to move is the exact expression of care that is necessary. When someone is grieving, silence is often best. When someone is processing through something, movement hinders that time of processing. When something is healing, often inactivity is necessary and is the best form of care.
    This is a struggle for me, a person who loves movement and action and expects that these things are the best in any scenario. It is just not true. Caring does not require movement, often it requires the lack of it.

**Sit quietly again for as much time as is available to you.**

Have more than two minutes? Read Mark 4:38. How would you have responded to Jesus' seeming lack of caring?

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