Monday, October 15, 2012


**Before you begin reading, sit down, breathe normally and be quiet for 1 minute.**
    God's responsibility and our responsibility. Often I confuse the two and find myself taking on responsibilities that God never asked me to take on.
    I take on a burden that was never meant for me to carry. I see a need and assume that I am the one to take it on and it becomes a burden. We call it responsibility and make it sound like we're doing something noble and really we are just taking over something we were never asked to. Allowing God to carry the burden requires that I trust him and that I believe he can do the job.
    It seems that when I take on a responsibility that isn't mine to take I'm essentially saying, 'You don't know what you're doing' or 'I could do this better than you'. Yep, that's what I'm saying to the God of the universe. Again, my mind and heart could use some reforming, don't you think?
    Do you take on a responsibility God never asked you to?

**Sit quietly again for as much time as is available to you.**


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