Thursday, November 29, 2012

Embrace Interruption

**Before you begin reading, sit down, breathe normally and be quiet for 1 minute.**

    Can you be interrupted? Is your pace of life so fast that interruptions cause frustration, raise your blood pressure and are seen as nuisances? Or is your pace of life slow enough to embrace interruption and respond to it appropriately?
    Many of us are not fans of interruptions unless it will benefit us somehow. I often get so enamored with my own thoughts or plans that any small interruption sends me into a tailspin. An interruption has stopped ME, gotten in MY way and is not as important as ME.
    I have found that my immediate response to interruptions is an indicator of the state of my heart and the focus of my mind. These interruptions can come from people, from ourselves, a random statement, a disappointment and even from God. Not all interruptions demand the same amount of time and attention but often we do not give enough attention to important interruptions (even if they are unwelcome). These interruptions can be gifts from God.
    How has God interrupted you lately? Have you been able to slow down, accept the interruption and receive the gift that it might be? Maybe He wants to teach you something, maybe He wants to remind you of His great love, maybe He wants to show you how to love others. The gift of an interruption is endless, especially when the interruptions are from God. How great it is to receive these gifts!
    What is your pace of life? Is it slow enough to both recognize and respond to interruptions? How might you dwell on an interruption from God, looking to hear more deeply from Him? How can the interruptions of those around you be seen as an opportunity to love and minister to them?
    Embrace interruption.

**Sit quietly again for as much time as is available to you.**

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