Thursday, November 1, 2012

Being Boss

**Before you begin reading, sit down, breathe normally and be quiet for 1 minute.**

    All of us have had bosses, people in authority over us, supervisors, etc. Most of us have been bosses to a person or persons. We have all experienced some sort of authority structure and often in these structures there are those who think they can do things better than the boss. Those who submit to the boss and at the same time think they can do things better than the boss. Children think this of parents often and this is often found in the workplace. Personally, my three year old is already telling me things I am doing incorrectly (at least in his eyes).
    Reflecting on this it caused me to wonder how I treat the boss over all of us – God. The following exploration questions are heart questions. How does your heart respond?
    Do I follow God with grumbling, thinking I can do things better or know a better way? Do I resist following God because I do not understand why He is asking what He is asking? Maybe His request is a bit absurd from my perspective? Deep down do I think I could be better at being the boss?
    How do you respond to the boss?

**Sit quietly again for as much time as is available to you.**

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