Thursday, November 8, 2012

More is Better, right? (Slowing and Quality)

**Before you begin reading, sit down, breathe normally and be quiet for 1 minute.**

    More is better, right? Quantity is always better than quality, right? There are times when more is better and quantity is better than quality but not always. When we live a life of busyness, addicted to hurry and productivity we live as if more is always better and quantity is always better than quality. This is just not true. There are times when less is better and quality trumps quantity.
    When we practice slowing, our compulsion to collect decreases. We learn to savor things that are of quality and of worth. When we practice slowing we notice things in life that are more valuable and we appreciate and invest in those things.
    One area I’ve noticed an increase in quality is in slowing down when I read. I used to always look for the end of the chapter and now I rarely do. It takes me a long time to finish a book. I read for transformation, especially when I read Scripture. I read and stop if something sticks out to me and catches my eye. I stop, meditate and pray on what I just read. There are times that I’ve read the same story for over a week because I sense that there is something more to it and I just need to keep on re-reading it and praying about it.
    What would you consider slowing down in order to increase quality?
**Sit quietly again for as much time as is available to you.**

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