Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Community and Faith

**Before you begin reading, sit down, breathe normally and be quiet for 1 minute.**

“We are able to do many hard things, tolerate many conflicts, overcome many obstacles, and persevere under many pressures, but when we no longer experience ourselves as part of a caring, supporting, praying community, we quickly lose faith.”
 Compassion, p. 59, Henri Nouwen, et al.

    Most of us are quite capable people, gifted in many ways and have been given great opportunities. We can do along and some of us have overcome a lot. We are hard workers, those who persevere and have made it. We have accomplished so much as individuals, or at least we think we have.
    I love how Nouwen connects faith with community. The nurture and growth of our faith is dependent on community. Sure our own individual times with God are highly valuable as are our times together in worship services, groups, neighborhood communities, etc. It is not only our faith that helps us through difficulties but it is the faith of the community, those who will cry with us and for us. Those who will hope for us when we cannot hope. Those who will strengthen our faith by letting us stand on their faith. Those who love when we are being very difficult to love. The community perseveres in their faith as they walk with us and we supernaturally receive the benefits of their faith.
    The body of Christ is a mystery, a mystery that includes dependence. Our God is so creative and gracious that He gives us others to grow in faith with. We need them and they need us. How has the community of Christ nurtured your faith?
**Sit quietly again for as much time as is available to you.**


  1. I am so grateful for the community of faith right now (both near and far!!) I literally could not make it through this phase of life without them (you!) So grateful. Thank you for sharing.
