Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Peace and People-Pleasing

**Before you begin reading, sit down, breathe normally and be quiet for 1 minute.**

    I confess that I often care too much about what people think, whether they will be hurt by something or whether they will like me. I like being able to influence what people think of me. This is a form of people pleasing because I want everyone to like me! There are often times in life when we have to make decisions that will upset others. We have to make decisions that are not looked upon favorably or sometimes the direction we go is met with disappointment by others.
    Often when I am trying so hard to make sure everyone is “okay” I miss what God is calling me to. I miss what the Spirit is whispering in my heart. God’s voice is clouded out by my thoughts of my image. Everyone may be happy around me but I am unsettled, there is something that does not sit right with my soul. Oh, that’s right, I sought man’s approval and not God’s. As I received one set of approval I did not receive another and I can feel it. I do not have peace.
    Peace comes when God has captured my heart not when I have captured the heart of man. Peace comes not when I have won the approval of men but followed the call of God.
    How can you seek to please God rather than others? How have you sensed God’s peace in a difficult decision lately? If you have not sensed much peace lately, remember God’s great love and seek to do whatever He has called you to.

Have more than two minutes? Read Galatians 1:10 and process this challenging verse with God.

**Sit quietly again for as much time as is available to you.**

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