Friday, November 16, 2012

The Gift of Taking Notice

**Before you begin reading, sit down, breathe normally and be quiet for 1 minute.**

    Through the Bible we read of Jesus who took notice of people. He took notice of those who were overlooked, those who were noticed by others for what they did wrong and those who were desperately seeking Him. He took the time to notice when no one else was or was noticing for the wrong reasons. Story after story in the Gospels we read of this gift that He gave people – He noticed them. He noticed, even commended them at times and told others to take notice of them as well.
    To notice someone is a gift. There are so many people that feel overlooked every day, that wonder if anyone cares or sees them. Does anyone really hear them, does God hear them? Does God see?
    We have opportunities each day to be the hands and feet of Christ and care for another by the simple act of noticing. Taking notice of them, commending them, encouraging them, sending them a link from an article or picture you thought they’d like. Let them know that you think of them. Often this is a tangible reminder that God thinks of them as well. I wish we would all consistently believe God loves us and notices us but we all have our insecurities and our struggles and we need reminders.
    Be a loving reminder of God’s attention to someone today.

**Sit quietly again for as much time as is available to you.**

Have more than two minutes? Read Luke 7:36-50 about Jesus who took notice.

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