Friday, November 23, 2012


**Before you begin reading, sit down, breathe normally and be quiet for 1 minute.**

    The day after Thanksgiving, I can finally begin with the Christmas decorations! There is a strict rule (my husband’s) in our home that Christmas does not begin until after Thanksgiving. Honor the pilgrims! Although I moan and groan here and there about waiting, there is something about waiting and being patient for the time of Christmas.
    Being patient is not easy, and I do not think it is supposed to be but I could either complain or pout until the day after Thanksgiving or I can enjoy the days and moments. Enjoying them as they are meant to be and wait for the day after Thanksgiving and the time in which Christmas begins being celebrated.
    This happens in all our lives. We have seasons. We have seasons that are rich and full of life and other seasons that are dry and seemingly without life. We have seasons in which we wait and wait and others seasons where everything seems to be moving too fast.
    I am often not patient in the difficult seasons. I often am complaining and pouting rather than enjoying the present as gifts, no matter how difficult they might be. I do not wait well.
    How about you? What season are you in? How is your waiting? Do you trend towards complaining or towards embracing? My prayer is that whatever season you are in that you would have a heart of thanksgiving (and that I would too!).

**Sit quietly again for as much time as is available to you.**

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