Monday, March 25, 2013

Let Them Create

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    Creativity. There are so many forms. Some involve color and some no color. Some are seen and others unseen. Other forms demand the use of multiple senses and some only one sense. Some creativity we deem more valuable than others. Sometimes creativity is a linear and clean process and sometimes it looks like a mess with no purpose.

    Spending some time with God one evening He encouraged me to “Let Luke create.” Luke is my (almost) four year old son. The past week he “baked” a cake that included water, pico de gallo, raspberries, BBQ chips and apples. We of course pretended to eat it and I found myself resisting it so many ways. First, get past the ingredients, then the potential mess, and then the unique smell and the seeming endlessness of wanting to bake again and again.

    As I sat with God praying over something that had nothing to do with creativity, He reminded of what it is like to have creativity squelched. It was not an easy reminder and these words followed, “Let Luke create.” They still hit me hard and I hope I will let him create even if it does not make sense or potentially messes up my “tidy” (used loosely) life.

    Also, the secondary word to me was, “Let yourself create.” So my hope and prayer is that you would allow creativity, imagination and play into your life, both your life and the life of your children.

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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