Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Quest Costs

**Sit quietly, eyes closed, in silence for one minute before reading.**

“Their quest had been worth all the pains it cost.” Jill from The Silver Chair, The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis

    No one can avoid pain. No one will go through life without hurt. We all have been hurt, are hurt and will hurt. Pain is costly and can be brutal, wounding us deeply and challenging us to the end of ourselves.

    Upon finishing The Silver Chair in The Chronicles of Narnia series the line quoted above resonated in my heart. The quest to find the Prince had its pains, both physical and emotional. The quest was not faultless and actually had more errors than not. There were many unknowns in the quest. Yet at the end of the quest, Jill sees the people and animals of Narnia celebrating the Prince found and returned and thinks to herself their quest had been worth all the pains it cost.

    My prayer is that you would find encouragement in the quest. Our quest to follow Jesus, to become more and more like Him and live out the life He has called us to live is a grand quest guaranteed to be filled with pain. As you and I follow Him, may we be reminded that at the end of our quest, it will have been worth all the pains it cost.

**Sit in silence again for as long as is available to you.**

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