Saturday, March 30, 2013

Holy Saturday

    Many of us live in Holy Saturdays. We are in between a death of some kind and the resurrection to come. This is the day of unknown, chaos, confusion and grief. It is the day between the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

    I wish that our Holy Saturdays were just one day - one day of grief, confusion, chaos and hope lost. For many Holy Saturday is much longer.

   The weight of Holy Saturday is far more than we can bear. We cannot bear it alone. We need others. We need God otherwise we might quickly fall into despair. 

   It is in Holy Saturday that we choose to continue to believe, that we hold onto the promises of God ... In particular that He resurrects. The only way possible is through the One who began and ended Holy Saturday over 2,000 years ago and will end all Holy Saturdays. There will come a day when there are no more Holy Saturdays, no more tears, no more grief, no more chaos and no more death. Hope and faith will be realized and love will remain.

   Until then may we lean on the Spirit given to us by the One who conquered Holy Saturday. May we  lean on the community of faith and be the community of faith that helps  hold hope in the midst of the chaos.

   For some Holy Saturday has stretched far too long and for others Holy Saturday has just begun. Wherever you are as you wait, may hope increase as you lean into the promises of God. Resurrection is coming ...

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