Friday, March 1, 2013

The Gift of Simplicity

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    I watch my daughter play with a box of wipes and think, “she is content with the simplest thing.” You all have watched in amazement as young children would rather play with cardboard boxes and tissue paper than with the toys they enclosed. It is amazing the simple things that capture their attention and joy! (And we wonder whether we could have saved a lot of money by just getting them a box!)

    Watching the contentment of children with simple things is an image for us. It is an image that is a striking reminder that God also calls us to contentment through the simple.  The Apostle Paul takes about contentment through simplicity in Philippians 4.

    A beautiful piece of fruit that comes from simplifying is that it is easier to let go of things. It is easier to let go because so much in life is truly “extra”. As we recognize these “extras” the things of the world fall into their proper place. In addition, the practice of simplifying leads us to trust God more. Our simple desire becomes for God. Through simplicity our peripheral affections are stripped away and we fall deeper and deeper in love with God.

    What would it look like to simplify, even if in one area of your life?
    Try simplifying and connect with God in richer and deeper ways.

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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