Friday, March 22, 2013

The Gift of Inquiry

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    The gift of inquiry can take you deeper. The gift of inquiry helps to see farther into the words that we say and the beliefs that we hold on to. This gift can unleash the truth of our actions, reflecting why we do what we do. The right inquiry, the best questions often lead us to fuller, richer and truer understandings of ourselves, others and God.

    Inquiry comes in many forms – a good question, silence waiting for a response, a reflective statement or open-ended statement. A friend of mine asks many questions. Her questions are good, probing and demanding that I dig deeper into the words I exclaim. I often found myself frustrated because she would not just let me talk. She was giving me a gift, a gift that brought forth truer and richer things, things that I would have never seen if she did not slow me down.

    Jesus inquired often as well. He would ask a question that would slow someone down, possibly change the direction of their thinking and reveal their hearts and sometimes God’s heart. As you spend time in prayer, consider what Jesus might be asking you.

    How might you slow your prayers down and consider why you are saying what you are saying? How might Jesus want to take you deeper?

    PS A great inquiry statement/request when you offer this gift to another: “Tell me more.”

**Sit again for as long as is available to you.**

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