Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Gift of Pain

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    Sounds like an oxymoron, I know. I do not love pain and I do not often find myself pursuing it. I think most of us avoid pain, afraid of what it means, afraid of what it does to us and often unsure of what to do about it. It seems as if we really just want to avoid pain or pretend it does not exist.

    In and of itself pain is not good. Do not translate its potential as a gift meaning that it is good. Pain, though, can be a vital indicator … an indicator of the need for healing. If there is physically something wrong with us I want pain at the earliest point possible so I can start treatment for healing.

    In our spiritual lives the presence of pain can be a gift because it shows us our need for healing. (Notice the word can.) It shows us our need for great God. It shows us how much we need Jesus and the comfort of the Holy Spirit. It is difficult, no doubt, especially when the pain is extended and even chronic.

    No, pain is not good yet it can serve as an indicator and reminder that this world is not as it should be. It reminds us that we need healing and that we need a Savior in EVERY aspect of our lives and of those around us.

    Is there something painful in life now? Could this pain be a gift that leads to healing? How will you lean into God and trust His healing in His time?

    Prayers for you in your pain, in your hurt and in healing.

**Sit in silence again for as long as is available to you.**

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