Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Driven by Assumptions

**Sit quietly, relax and close your eyes for one minute before reading.**

    You know what they say about assumptions. I am the queen of them and apparently I am not the only one. I was recently reading in the book of Genesis and came across another assumer – Abram. He assumed the Egyptians would see how beautiful his wife Sarai was, would say she is his wife, would kill him and treat her well. He then went on to ask her to lie (based on his assumptions of what would happen) and assumed he would then be treated well and his life spared.
    How often have you made decisions based on assumptions? Driven by them? You assumed someone would not accept you. You assumed that something would go a certain way. You assumed that you already knew what someone was going to say before they say it. Assumptions are not reality yet we treat them as such and then we act on them, often bringing unnecessary hurt and damage. Reminding ourselves of what is true and what is real helps to battle assumptions and in many cases to trust God rather than our made up stories.
    What assumptions do you make? What truth can you remind yourself of that will help you battle assumptions?
**Sit again for as long as is available to you.**

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