Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Left in the Dark

**Sit quietly, eyes closed, for one minute before reading.**

“…But He has also placed ignorance (darkness) in the human heart so that people cannot discover the work God has done (ordained), from the beginning to the end of their lives.” Ecclesiastes 3:11b
    We are in the dark ON PURPOSE. God has put us in the dark on purpose. (Does that frustrate anyone else??) So, the word translated “ignorance” can also be understood as “darkness”. He has placed darkness so that we will not know, we will not see. The second portion of this verse speaks to the fact that God actually stops us from knowing. He prevents us from knowing the future and how things will work out. Grrr…
   So often I want a picture of the future. I want to know how something will turn out. I want to know how God will bring good or beauty out of suffering and evil.
    Even if I can’t know it all, how about a little peek? A little peek would help me hope, to trust. This verse says, NO. He instead asks me to trust in HIM, His character and His promises. If He gave me a peek I would trust in the results, I would hope it what is to come rather than Him.
    Is there something that God has kept dark that you are frustrated by? How can the call the trust God draw you closer to Him?
**Sit again in quiet for as long as is available to you.**

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