Friday, January 18, 2013

God Sees

**Sit quietly, rest and close your eyes for one minute before reading.**

    God sees. Often in our days we are making sacrifices. We are making many little yet repetitive sacrifices. And these add up. We make the decision to hold our tongue rather than lash out. We make the decision to speak a kind word than one that would break down. We make the decision to invest for the future rather than responding to the immediate present. We choose to teach and train rather than fix and do.
    Our days are filled with choices to honor God or not, choices to take the hard way or easy way, choices to love or to hate. On these days which we have nothing to give, nothing else to muster up and all we want to do is run away, God sees. Oh He sees all the time, it just seems that on these type days He has gone blind, we do not sense He sees or is near. These are the perfect opportunities to talk to Him, be honest and authentic before God and especially to ask for help.
    He sees the many sacrifices, He sees the hard choices and He sees the heart that desires to obey. He sees the weariness, the patience that is quickly running low and the heart that wonders if this is worth it. Hang in there, talk to God, tell Him you need Him, and trust that your perseverance and sacrifices have not gone by unnoticed.

**Sit quietly again for as long as is available to you.**

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