Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Your Worst Nightmare

**Sit quietly, relax and close your eyes for one minute before reading.**

    What is your worst nightmare? The thing that makes you gasp for air just thinking about it?
    We all have a worst nightmare and possibly more than one. We all have fears and nightmares of loss. Loss of someone, loss of something maybe even loss of a function or ability. There are things we dearly love and the thought of life without them is unbearable, unfathomable.
    Tim Keller says that our nightmares are indications of the idols in our lives, the thing(s) that take the place of God in our hearts.
    Have you ever thought that your worst nightmare may be an indicator of something that you hold greater than God?  Might it be something that you are holding on to too tightly?
    It is a challenge for me as well as a truth revealer of my heart. I do not want to admit it, but it’s true.
    When I think about my worst nightmares coming true God is often not just lower on the totem pole but He is out of the picture. I cannot fathom my worst nightmare becoming reality  nor can I fathom how God would meet me in it yet He promises He will.
    What is your worst nightmare? How can you release this fear to God and trust in His love and grace that will meet us wherever and whenever in life?

**Sit quietly again for as long as is available to you.**

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