Tuesday, January 8, 2013


**Sit quietly for one minute before beginning to read.**
    “What agreements have you made?” My spiritual director asked me this a couple months ago as I was sharing with her from my heart. She was essentially asking me what agreements have I made with lies. What in my life have I agreed is a true statement that is actually very far from the truth?
    We have all made agreements with things that are untrue in our lives. Someone in our past said something and it has haunted us and led us ever since. We have bought into a lie about our identity and worth as we depend on others evaluations to inform us. We have believed and lived with things like, “You are just like your father” or “Who would want to marry you looking like that?” or “You are so stupid”. Fill in the blank your poisonous phrase of choice.
    These words are a form of slavery and they are not built on the promises of God, they are built on lies yet we allow them to direct us, guide us – we have made an agreement with them. There are truths throughout Scripture of our true identity and worth. They are based in the promises of God through Christ. Christ speaks truth into our hearts and minds and we are transformed to believe true rather than lies.
    What agreements have you made? What truth can you replace them with? In what areas of thought do you need transformation? Talk to God, ask Him.

If you have longer than two minutes, Read Galatians 4-5:1 about the freedom you have in Christ.

**Sit again for as long as is available to you.**

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