Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hoping Without the Details

**Sit quietly for one minute before beginning to read.**
    A friend and I were recently having coffee and both sharing our separate stories regarding our feelings of fragmentation in our lives. There are bits and pieces of our lives happening but we do not know how it will come together or if it will all come together. We do not know how one thing will fit with another or why even we might be doing some of the things that we are doing now.
    We are both highly intentional people. We do not just do things just to do them, we have ideas, purpose and vision yet we feel lost, in limbo, waiting for the puzzle pieces to fit.
    In the midst of all this we have to hope. And this hope is without details. We have no idea how things will come together or when they will (and we wonder if they will) we hope it does. Somehow, even if we cannot see it we hope that God, the Master weaver, will not leave any part of us out but will bring everything together. We have to hope based on God’s goodness which includes that He has not left us. We cannot see any details but we hope. We hope because God is good, He is loving and He is sovereign.

**Sit again for as long as is available to you.**

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