Monday, January 14, 2013

Natural Rhythms

**Sit quietly, relax and close your eyes for one minute before reading.**

    Slow down a bit. When we slow the natural rhythms of life become apparent. In a world of scheduling and constant movement, slowing down allows us to see the natural rhythm of creation, including our own hearts, minds and bodies. We notice how our hearts respond to sad news and notice when those feelings of sadness linger. We notice the times of day that our mind tends to wander or struggle with thinking truth things. We eat when we are hungry rather than when we have a scheduled lunch break. We notice our bodies and how they respond to the day. We not only notice when we are having an “off” day but when we slow we might actually be able to discern why we are having an “off” day.
    We also notice the natural rhythm of others and this increases our sensitivities to them as we consider how they respond to a day, a difficult or joyful life event.
    What natural rhythms have you noticed in life? How can slowing down and taking notice of rhythms connect you to deeper parts of our soul?
**Sit quietly again for as long as is available to you.**

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